ZebraVet is an Australian owned Veterinary wholesaler. For over 22 years, we have supplied our valued customers with great quality disposables at exceptional prices. We specialise in providing a full range of generic disposable products, including all the well-known brands.
Our generics are produced by ISO 9001 accredited manufacturers. This means that they have attained an internationally recognised standard for the manufacture of human medical products.
We’re also honoured to be the exclusive distributor of the DePuy Synthes (a Johnson & Johnson Company) range of orthopaedic Veterinary implants, instruments and power tools, ensuring that these “Gold Standard” products are readily accessible and focused on a Veterinary exclusive market.
It is well worthwhile to check out our complete range of everyday Veterinary instruments. They are made to the highest standard and quality and are priced to be used in clinic.

Victorian Office 36 Canterbury Road Braeside VIC 3195

Queensland Office 42 Kiln St Darra QLD 4076
At ZebraVet we know what it is like to run a business and so looking after our customers is paramount. That’s why our enthusiastic team are dedicated to assist you with your practice’s specific requirements. We celebrate diversity and strive to create an environment that is inclusive for all, so be yourself, we like it that way. We have our knowledgeable representatives visiting all states and territories and an awesome and super friendly customer service team always on hand. We deliver Australia wide with warehouses in both Brisbane and Melbourne. We will continue to search the globe for products that will assist you in everyday practice.
Our supply continues to our Kiwi mates at SVS Veterinary Wholesaler, New Zealand. We feel good about spreading the ZebraVet experience!
We would love to offer you and your practice great products, significant savings and become your Veterinary disposable specialist.
After all at ZebraVet….our price is your profit.

Customer Service / DePuy Synthes Repair Service Coordinator
E reception@zebravet.com.au
P 1800 447 385